
Pickings of Nature: Trip to Miyun

Hey everyone, its been a month since I last posted on Behind Krystle Lane. I have been very busy with Thinspirational Journey lately that I was not able to find the time to update this blog, plus nothing really INTERESTING is going on with my life beyond weight loss. But anyway I just wanted to share with you all something nice.

Last Wednesday we had a school trip to Miyun province to go fruit and vegetable picking. The parents tagged along too. I was able to practice photography using the School’s Canon camera. It was such a challenge because of the lighting of the area. I had a hard time adjusting the settings just to get the right exposure. I tried my best anyway.

This is teacher Kevin with Bibi. We got to sit at the very back of the bus. It was rather spacious and I was even able to practice some cardistry along the way.
Stopped for a bathroom break and stretched our legs a bit. The other students were even able to play around with bubbles.
Upon arrival at Miyun we had to walk about 5-10 minutes on this dirt road to get to the picking site. The children are to have partners so they don’t get separated. They are all really excited.
Despite have a rought start to our trip the parents were also have a blast. And of course took tons of photos of their children and their friends
It was not just the parents having a blast taking photos. We had our own mini photographer on site. Her name is Sunny. Her father is a professional photographer so of course what would any good father do? Give their child a nice DSLR to practice on while they are still young. ^-^
The other children are just exploring while waiting for the other people to arrive.
Father and daughter just goofing around while waiting for the go signal from the owners of the farm
This is Maria from my intermediate class. She said she loves strawberries and is trying to get all the ripe ones so she can stuff herself with yummy goodness.
The most beautiful strawberries I have ever seen in my entire life.
The tomatoes were huge. And very orange. I was lucky enough to get a photo of this one student from another class whose shirt is the same color as the fruits she is trying to pick.
That is David Lee, the children love him because he is such a big baby himself
They are posing for the camera of a parent but I managed to steal this shot from them. ^-^ I actually really like this one.

Tina is one of my fast learners in class, but she is also a very stubborn one. But I love them nonetheless. Oh and that is her twin sister Jana behind her.
And this is yours truely your Frustrated Photographer of the day. Trying hard not to get a whiff of an awful scent coming from the fields. It was really stinky outside the greenhouses. It smelled like rotting rats and dogs. (I did see a dead rat).
I hope you all enjoyed that. I will post part 2 next time.
Lara Novales

Endless Possibilites

My sister and I are on a weight loss journey. Yes I have converted her to the dark side. 😛 I am into Thinspiration whilst she is on FitSpiration. Which is a very very good thing.

Anyway, Last March 30th my sis and I went to the GIANT park behind our condo complex and walked and ran and played and what not. Just had fun while burning the CARBS and FATS and CALORIES from our systems. It was fun and we plan to do it again.

this is my sister climbing up and down this “thing” in the exercise park. I took a photo while on the sit up bench and it turned out pretty okay.

I posted this photo on Jux as well so you really need to check it out.
If you are a photo blogger and you want a really good platform to showcase your photos in a beautiful way, JUX.COM is the place to go. ^_^

you can check mine out here at

Lara Krystle “Lane” Novales 

Red Velvet Therapy

2nd post in a row. I am so backlogged in posts here at Behind Krystle Lane, I have been really busy with Thinspirational Journey blogs that I didn’t have the time to update my own personal blog. But no matter, I’m here now and this is the second post for the day. 🙂

After my Day out with SlyS,  a fellow Aetherian, I came home on the 24th with painful and large blisters on my feet, but that did not stop me from frolicking in the city streets of Beijing. So moving to the 25th of March, my mother, sister and I met with a good friend of ours, Tita Connie and her son, JM, who was visiting. We had some Fish and Chips over at SanLiTun‘s Fish Nation near Bar Blu and 3.3 Mall. After that we headed over to this place beside Crepanini for some Red Velvet Cupcakes.

It was the most delightful thing I have ever tasted. I have never had a red velvet cupcake before because I just didn’t like eating a lot of sweets and cakes and pastries. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. But I decided to try it anyway. I must admit that it was THE most amazing thing I have ever had in my entire existence! It was just too good. I think I have converted over to the dark side… or should I say the “red” side?


I know I’m not much of a photographer. I just enjoy trying to capture the world as how I see it.

If you want to see my other photos you can visit my jux at

follow me as well if you have an account there. I’d love to see your shots as well. ^_^

Lara Krystle “Lane” Novales



The City Seekers Scavenger Hunt

Hey guys! it me again. Finally I was supposed to post this last night but did not have time nor the internet VPN speed to do so.

If you remembered last friday my sister, her friends and I had an impromptu scavenger hunt and had tons of fun playing. So for the past week I have been planning and organizing a bigger hunt for them once again. I asked Dana to invite her friends/classmates to the event. I printed out some invitations from (I will post a photo next time), made a better scavenger hunt list. Oh and mind you this is a PHOTO scavenger hunt.

So on March 16, 2012, Friday (which was yesterday) we held the very first official City Seekers Scavenger Hunt! Our venue was of course The Village at Sanlitun Beijing.  There were 10 people who participated in the hunt and I divided them into 2 teams. The Nyans led by Dana and The Party Rocking Waffles led by Lisa. The teams are as follows:

The Nyans

  1. Dana
  2. Sarah
  3. Emma
  4. Honey

The Party Rocking Waffles

  1.  Lisa
  2. Anna
  3. Ahmed
  4. Rona

There were 2 other girls who had to leave earlier on in the game so I will not include them in the listing here.

Below is the scavenger hunting list that was given to each team member,

  1. A team mate wearing one red high heel shoe
  2. The whole team wearing a hat
  3. A photo of any sales man named “john”
  4. The whole team wearing purple eyeshadow
  5. The whole team reading book at a book or magazine store
  6. The whole team on an escalator
  7. A mother pushig a baby stroller
  8. Getting 4 strangers to do the “YMCA” pose
  9. Team’s reflection on something other than a mirror
  10. Entire team jumping (everyone must be in mid air for photo to count)
  11. Entired team acting as a display manequin
  12. Any kind of traffic Sign
  13. High five a stranger
  14. Team mate hugging a tree
  15. A sick ass HOT sports car
  16. Take a shot of 1 team member
  17. A photo of the most expensive food from a restaurant menu you can find
  18. Get a stranger to do a Michael Jackson Pose
  19. Get a stranger to do a Lady Gaga pose
  20. Get some foreigners to do korean poses with the whole team
  21. 2 members of the team sandwhiching a stranger in a charlie’s angels pose
  22. Photo of a bird
  23. Someone eating an ice cream or a popsicle
  24. have a stranger take your whole team photo while team is doing a pyramid


  1. Look for a fashionable person and take photos of them
  2. A creative shot with a very random object
  3. Creative planking shot of a team mate
  4. Get a stranger to try out an outfit
  5. Get a foreigner to plank
  6. For every calling card you give out, take a photo
Here are some of the entires of each team. NOTE: Some of the people who the kids photographed asked to not upload or show their photos online so of course we respect their request and will not include those here.

The Party Rocking Waffles Scavenger hunt photos






The Nyans Scavenger hunt photos







Both teams did really well on the hunt. But of course only one team can win. And with 130 points the NYANS won. The party Rocking Waffles got 127.5 points.

So there you have it. I’m not going to post much on what happened during the hunt because I was not in it i was just waiting for them in a coffee shop while they ran around disturbing the peace ^_^ LoL!

I hope you enjoyed it!


Lara Krystle “Lane” Novales



Photo Scavenger Hunt in the Village

Finally part 03 of 03 of My day out int The Village with my sister and her friends.

We got a little bored there so we started chasing each other but it was too mundane and kinda weird to be doing that kind of thing. Plus I’m almost 23 years old and its not really fitting for me to be playing tag with the kiddos. (although ilove playing tag).  While taking a breather an Idea struck me. Why not have a mini photo scavenger hunt in the VILLAGE?!

So we put together a quick list of items that we need to take a photo of/with and whoever finishes the list wins.

So here is the list of items/people that we needed to find.

  1. Someone wearing any Rainbow/Technicolored outfit
  2. An Apple Genius
  3. A person wearig something furry/fluffy
  4. A Guy holding a hotdog
  5. A person with an iPhone or iPad
  6. With a Mannequin
  7. someone with Fake Nails
  8. Rainbow lollipop
  9. Studded belts
  10. Guy with long hair
  11. – 13.   3 dog photos

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
Someone wearing any Rainbow/Technicolored outfit

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
An Apple Genius

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
A person wearig something furry/fluffy

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
A Guy holding a hotdog

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
A person with an iPhone or iPad

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
A person with an iPhone or iPad

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
With a Mannequin
someone with Fake Nails

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
Rainbow lollipop

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
Studded belts

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
Guy with long hair

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App
3 dogs.

So there you go. It was really fun! Running around and talking to people asking them if we could take photos of them for the scavenger hunt game.

We had so much fun that we decided to have an After Exam Photo Scavenger Hunt tradition Meaning next week we’re doing it again and hopefully with more people. ^_^

I feel like a teenager again. Squee…..

Any ideas or suggestions for a photo scavenger hunt?

Trolling with my Sister and her Crazy Friends in The Village

This is actually the part 2 or 3 posts on my day last March 9 with my sister and her friends.
My first post was on my walk around The Village in SanLiTun

At around lunch time my sister was finally done with her exams and met up with me at Costa Coffee and being the crazy bunch that we are we decided to TROLL around in SanLiTun’s The Village. Oh and all the photos were taken via iPad2 (iPad-graphy??)

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

from left to right: Sarah, Layouni, Dana, Rhona and Lisa

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

American Apparel Mannequin TROLLING

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Patiently Waiting for Steve Madden to Open

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Sarah and Rhona enjoying their Free Massage at SunDan

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App

Rhona, tearing up because of the Spicy Chicken Wings at McDonalds

So Thats about part 02 of my Day in The Village. Hopefully after I post this I will be able to immediate post about our Photo Scavenger Hunt.

We’ll Always be Together Even if Mommy is Far Away Okay?

I am really going to miss my two beautiful babies when I leave for Beijing.  I hope they will find their new home as loving and as caring as mine was.

To Ellie and Gearoid: “I will miss you both! please be good kitties always. Mommy will be back again soon. I love you!”